Claims Guide: Public and Products Liability | Public and Products Liability | Master Builders Insurance Brokers

Public and Products Liability


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Under no circumstances should you admit liability, either verbally or in writing.

Public & Products Liability covers your liability for third party property damage or injury, during construction and after the project has been completed.

What do I need to do?

I have been made aware of an incident that may give rise to a claim, what should I do?

  1. Ensure that you and those around you are safe.

  2. Call the police or emergency services as required.

  3. Take all necessary precautions (if safe to do so) to protect the property from further loss or damage.

  4. Take photos and obtain all details you can of the incident, the third party and any witnesses.

  5. For any worksite incident, make sure to contact the relevant worksafe authority, if applicable.

  6. In all cases, contact Master Builders Insurance Brokers (MBIB) on 1800 150 888 immediately for advice on how to handle the matter. Our dedicated claims team will give you advice on how to best respond to the situation.

  7. We will then advise your insurer of the circumstances that may give rise to a claim.

  8. Forward all letters of demand, writs / summonses to MBIB immediately after you receive them.

  9. In certain circumstances, your insurer will appoint lawyers to act on their behalf in defending the claim. They may ask you questions or require documentation from you. Please provide this to the lawyers at your earliest convenience.

    If you require urgent legal advice, you should contact a lawyer.

    However, you should note that you must continue to act as a prudent uninsured, and fight the claim as you would if you didn’t have any insurance.

    Be careful!

    Legal costs you encounter prior to lawyers being appointed by the insurer may not be covered under your policy. MBIB recommends that if possible, you do not appoint lawyers until directed to do by your insurer.

  10. Do not speak to anyone or make any statement to any investigator or loss adjuster unless advised by MBIB, your insurer or their lawyers.

  11. Do not speak to the third party other than to acknowledge receipt off the claim and that the matter is with your insurer. You may contact MBIB for advice on managing communication with third parties.

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